Thursday, March 18, 2010

Groovy Stuff at LGMedia!

We love Groovy Stuff. We love design. We admire photography. We still go to the movies, yes, can you believe it -- popcorns & "Coke" and a big screen -- and we love true artists, these special people whose creations inspire us.

Therefore we created a new section on LookinGlass Media website, called "Groovy Stuff" where we featured a young model and artist from Germany, Ophelia's Overdose to be our first Groovy Person. Other is GreG Peterson and his Fill in the Blank company.

Check out one of Ophelia's great works (photo by Hartmut Nörenberg):

An idea is slowly creeping into our future plans. What if we at LookinGlass Media join forces with such incredible artists like Ophelia and / or Hartmut and out of their work create large posters for printing and displays?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Biggest City in Brazil, Sao Paulo is an Advertising Ghost Town

It's kind of crazy -- to go against our own outdoor free standing sign printing business -- but having Sao Paolo scrubbed of advertising is an interesting development, something that should make us all ponder over our environment and how should outdoor advertisers help to make it cleaner and less intrusive while still nice and informative...

More on Sao Paulo as an advertising ghost town on our website. A cool video also!!

Roll Labels Printing

Could you see this innocently looking roll label below? It drove me crazy; to set it up. Our online printing service for roll labels printing serves our clients with a great digital printing methods so no one would lose her or his mind again :)

 Roll Labels

Roll Labels are printed in full color on the front only with 3 stocks to choose from, it is available with gloss or matte lamination and many popular sizes to choose from.

Roll Label printing is a four color process. High quality Roll Labels are now affordable with our digital printing method. One to One print registration at a high resolution allows us to provide quality labels.

Stock Options:

  1. 40# White Poly Indoor stock
  2. 40# Clear Poly Indoor stock
  3. 40# White Vinyl Outdoor stock

We offer white or clear indoor film label stock and white outdoor film stock, each are moisture resistant and conform well to most surfaces. Our 40# paper liner is standard for most machine applications.

Lamination Options:

  1. Gloss Lamination (Indoor or Outdoor)
  2. Matte Lamination (Indoor Only)

Roll Labels protected by gloss lamination can be used for both indoor and outdoor applications. Our 1 mil. gloss lamination also prevents ink abrasion. Matte lamination is also available for indoor roll labels only.

Top of label dispenses FIRST

Bottom of label dispenses FIRST

So here we are -- winners over these small, devilish roll labels! Does this make any sense? No, not too much, granted, but once you have lost your first battle against devilish roll labels you'd understand.

Dallas's large vinyl banners printing company, LookinGlass Media is always here for you. 

Monday, March 8, 2010

Unexpected Joy in Links Building

Sure, LookinGlass Media is in business of large vinyl banners printing in Dallas, Texas and we do indeed create great outdoor free standing signs, but since we embarked to links building campaign with SEO work we discovered how rewarding these efforts might be.

Just for starters we've found -- and included in our website's "Dallas Best" section -- Hannah's House, a safe location for children. We then discovered a great non-profit organization, Prevent Child Abuse Texas only to also find Dallas Chapter of the United States.

Each of these organizations does great work and our heart also went for the Spring Valley Athletic Association that teaches kids about the value and joy in sports.

This is an exciting process; both joyous and humbling at the same time: to see how many fine people are doing their best to help our kids. Keep up good work!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

The World's Longest Air Route Vintage Poster

Imperial Airways posters saying they "Operate the world's longest air route". The longest air route in the world -- 15,000 miles from UK to New Zealand -- was operated by the Imperial Airwasy and it had carried over 70,000 passengers and flown over 6,000,000 miles!

Come and visit our large posters printing website to learn more about Vintage Airline Posters from 1930s.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Vintage Airline Posters from 1930s

Lookinglass Media is proud to present your new educational series on Vintage Airline Posters from 1930s, published on our website.

Come and visit us and see much more about the glory days of air travel.

Lookinglass Media is Dallas based graphic design and poster printing service proudly serving customers for over 22 years.